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From: 克里斯腾森(修订) <[redacted]@gmail.com>


We got your contact through your 学校的数据库 and I’m happy to inform you that our reputable company [Legitimate Company] is currently running a student empowerment programme. This programme is to help loyal and hardworking students like you secure a part time work from home job which does 不 deter you from doing any other, you just need a few hours to do this weekly and with an attractive weekly salary.


不幸的是,上面的邮件是 一个合法的工作机会,但可能会让你付出代价的骗局. Scammers are spoofing bet365中文大学 email addresses to send job scam emails designed to trick students into applying for a job that requires them to provide personal information and potentially engage in criminal activity.
Please confirm all employers and representatives before corresponding via email or phone.


  • 这封邮件来自Gmail、雅虎或其他非bet365中文地址. 合法的公司应该用他们的公司电子邮件帐户发送电子邮件. bet365中文大学 will 不 post jobs from employers that do 不 have corporate email accounts.
  • 你不是这封邮件的唯一收件人. Legitimate companies will 不 send an email about a job offer to multiple people at once.
  • 这封邮件没有提到你的名字. 电子邮件可能会说你的信息是从招聘板上获得的, 学校的数据库, 或者职业服务办公室. If so, they should address the email to you directly, rather than “Hello Student” or “Good Morning”.
  • 公司名称为合法公司. To make the scam more believable the email will use the name of a legitimate company. 然而, the person contacting you has no relationship with the company they are claiming to work for.
  • 他们要求通过短信继续对话. 这使得骗局更难被记录下来. 关于合法报价的对话应该通过电子邮件进行.
  • 他们在电子邮件中询问个人信息. Legitimate job opportunities require you to apply and provide your personal information in an official application, 很多次在公司网站上.
  • 邮件中有语法或拼写错误. A very common attribute of scam emails is that they do 不 bother to spell check or grammar check their outgoing emails.
  • 没有发件人的联系信息. Any legitimate email from a company’s Human Resources or Recruiting department should have a signature line with the sender's name, title, 联系方式.
  • 这封邮件要求你访问一个非bet365中文网站. bet365中文大学 will only ask you to visit the website for official career services events on campus.

If you receive an email that contains this type of information, delete it. 没有必要回应. If you ever have questions about whether or 不 an email is legitimate, forward it to:  helpdesk@thestudioentrance.com.


  • Never give out personal information like your social security or bank account number over email or phone.
  • 永远不要用银行本票或汇票作为付款方式. Fake checks are common and the bank where you cash it will hold you accountable.
  • 永远不要兑现带有“多余”钱的支票. Scammers send checks that require you to deposit a check at your bank, 取出“多余”的钱作为现金, 然后把钱存到别的地方. 支票将被退回,你将被追究责任.
  • 不要通过西联汇款、速汇金或任何其他服务电汇资金. 任何让你汇款的人都是骗子.
  • 不要申请远方或其他国家的人列出的工作.
  • Never agree to a background check unless you have met the employer in person.
  • 永远不要申请突然发邮件给你的工作.


  • 被怀疑. 如果一份工作只需要很少的工作就能提供很多钱, 这可能是一个骗子试图从你那里获得个人信息.
  • 调查雇主. 他们有信誉良好的网站或专业推荐信吗? Is the job listing you want to apply for also on their main career page? 注意:勤工俭学的工作可能不会在雇主网站上做广告.
  • 与潜在雇主面对面交流. An in-person interview or informal chat over coffee will help you determine the employer’s intentions.
  • 一定要选择一个公共场所见面, 告诉别人你要去哪里,带上你的手机, 以防万一.
  • 相信你的直觉. 如果一份工作听起来好得令人难以置信,那它很可能是个骗局.

When Internet criminals impersonate a business to trick you into giving out your personal information, 它被称为 phishing. Do 不 reply to email, text or pop-up messages that ask for your personal or financial information. Don’t click on links within them either—even if the message seems to be from an organization you trust, 比如bet365中文大学——它不是! Legitimate businesses don’t ask you to send sensitive information through insecure channels.
恶意邮件通常使用紧急语言, 要求输入密码, 银行账号, 用户名, credit card numbers or other personal information; and may have grammatical, 印刷或其他明显的错误.

If you think you gave personal information in response to a phishing email or on a suspicious webpage, 您的帐户可能被盗用.

  • 更改您的Andrews密码. 去 ,签到 我的账户,然后选择 修改密码.
  • Carefully review any online accounts that became vulnerable as a result of responding to the email message.

If you have received an email that you believe is a potential phishing scam, it is important that you report the incident(s) as soon as possible so that work can begin to investigate and resolve them. 将可疑的phishing邮件转发至 它帮助台 at helpdesk@thestudioentrance.com. IT安全事件包括但不限于中列出的项目 1:762:10一般指引bet365中文大学计算机公司 & 网络策略.

  • 设置垃圾邮件过滤器. 搜索 online for various tutorials concerning instructions for your email client.  bet365中文大学使用微软的垃圾邮件过滤器.  有关更多信息,请参见 管理垃圾邮件在bet365中文.
  • 阻止不需要的即时消息. Spam attacks instant messenger as well, so set up your spam filter on your messaging client.
  • 块图像. Pictures sent through email can be modified to communicate with the sender. Spammers use the info to find active email addresses so prevent pictures from down加载 until you’ve read the message. 查看您的电子邮件用户指南以了解此功能.
  • 只与你认识的人分享你的主要电子邮件地址
  • 设置一个专门用于网络交易的电子邮件地址
  • 注意预先选中的复选框. When you buy or download online, companies sometimes pre-select check boxes to trick you. Make sure to read all check boxes and uncheck anything you don’t agree with.
  • 删除垃圾邮件信息,而不打开它们. Some emails contain hooks that capture your email address when you open the email.
  • 不要回复垃圾邮件. 要小心那些包含“将我从此列表中删除”链接的信息."
  • 不要在电子邮件或即时消息中透露个人信息.
  • Think twice before opening attachments or clicking links in e-mail or instant messages. Viruses can attach themselves to email and infect your computer when you click on them.
  • 不要购买任何东西,也不要给任何通过垃圾邮件宣传的慈善机构捐款. 垃圾邮件发送者经常交换邮件列表. So, buying something from spam mail may result in your name being passed to a不her spammer resulting in even more spam being sent directly to you.
  • 不要转发连锁邮件. You can easily lose control of who sees your email address and further provide your email address to additional spammers.
  • 举报辱骂、骚扰或威胁的电子邮件 学生生活和校园安全.
  • 举报phishing诈骗或欺诈电子邮件 直接联系被误导的公司.